Saturday, August 27, 2011

Articles 20VN | When The Going Gets Tough | personal ...

We all know that life can get tough when we face unwelcome experiences or we are closely involved with the misfortunes of family or friends. Everything hits us at once, as if one thing to cope with at any given time is not enough, and this in turn gives us the impression that everyone and everything is against us and trying to break us down.

So as to avoid being considered to be, and treated as, a conspiracy theory nutcase by the people you happen to mention this to, it is better to try to keep your distance from those who are unlikely to offer you help and support. After all, the very last thing you want to happen in your present negative state of mind is to be criticised or made fun of as this will only send you spiraling further downwards.

So, lets imagine that you have read several books on the subject of personal development or maybe you have listened to audio instruction in your motor car or in your home. You will have gleaned from these methods of learning that you do not have to be controlled by your own emotions and that you can actually have a great deal of influence on the outcome of events in your life. You should remember you cannot control everything that happens to you but you do have full control over how these events make you feel and how you react to what happens to you. Simply just believing in this can produce a dramatically positive effect on your life and of the lives of those close to you. It is said that "mastery of emotional response is the key to winning." In most instances, if not all, this saying is quite true.

A high degree of control over your emotions is paramount if you dream of great achievements. Many successful people have reached their status by simply being willing to do things that other people will not attempt. You have to ask yourself the question "Am I willing to do things 95 percent of people are not happy to do in order reap the returns?"

In an idea world, you know and believe all of this. But occasionally when things appear to be going wrong, you cannot help but feel disheartened and negativity sets in and surrounds you. Is it that you are weak? Is the path of least resistance proving to be far too tempting for you? Can you only be strong willed, committed and positive when faced with perfect conditions. When minor obstacles get in your way does your strength of character rapidly fly out of the window? This is often the case for some people - but not for you! You are a winner not a loser!

So here are the reasons why you don't always feel like you are winning. Firstly you are human and after all, we humans make mistakes from time to time. Let's face it, if errors are not made then there is not enough experimenting taking place. Being faced with adversity does not necessarily grind you to a halt but it can sometimes knock you down and with your confidence gone, this will not make you feel at all good. The fact that you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get straight back into the game following a knock down or setback is what separates you from the others.

Remember, when you find yourself down in the dumps and through this discover your mindset is not where it should be, don't be hard on yourself. Putting yourself down will only set you back further. Try not to worry about things too much, and accept that the fact you have actually recognized all is not well, is a positive start to getting back on the road to recovery and making yourself feel better. Have a short break, then bounce back all the time telling yourself "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" and everything in your world will surely look good again.


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