Although I try to live every day as if I were in a montage, I don't know how long I would've lasted had I crashed on Dagobah. l'm not really Jedi material. I crave adventure and excitement. Plus, I hate it when teachers play tricks on me, which was basically what Yoda did to Luke. Yoda made Luke sleep in the roots of a tree, forced him to do obviously impossible things like lifting an X-wing out of the muck, and worst of all, had Luke carry him around on his back like a mule. It's probably a moot point, because Yoda wouldn't have taken me as a pupil anyway. But back on Earth, with this backpack, I could still haul him around like we were training to take on the Empire. Full disclosure: I owned this backpack for a while in college. Yoda and I had a deal—I would learn all about the ways of the force, and he would smuggle my alcohol to parties. My only complaint is that Yoda is a small guy, and he doesn't carry much stuff. After a while, his strap broke. But that's okay. Yoda's old, and won't be around forever. Neither will this backpack
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