Thursday, September 8, 2011

Naturally Improve Eye Vision with These Exercises |

With the fervidity of everyday life, it is quite obvious that you don?t get the adequate rest and so does your eyes. When the eyes are constantly glued to computer screen, it becomes all the more important to relax them for some time. The prolonged exposure to T.V, computers, lack of adequate diet and sometimes various unknown causes can reduce your eye vision. The only safe and viable option to continue smoothly with your daily activities requires you to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Of course, you love your eyes and a better alternative to protect them from further damage is to get some exercises for your eyes and that too well before it gets too late. The effective eye exercises if done properly and regularly can even eliminate or at least reduce the use of those uncomfortable glasses. Here are a few eye exercises to help you keep your precious eye happy and healthy.

Your eyes are the reflection of your soul. The first and foremost requirement is that you need to keep them clean and clear. Splash lukewarm water in your eyes every morning and before you got to bed each night. It will help clear all the debris and foreign matter that can blur your eye vision.

The next most effective and renowned exercise for your eyes is palming. This is especially good to relax your tired eyes. Place your palms gently on your eyes in such a way that no light passes through. Look at the blackness, breathe deeply and simply relax yourself.

Randomly pick any building in your vicinity and observe it for some time.-the windows, doors, gate and roof, the bottom line is to just keep your eyes moving. You can select any object in your surroundings such as a tree or even your friend.

Blinking is another great way to keep your eyes moist. Keep opening and closing your eyes slowly. While your eyes are closed, shift your head back and forth. Also try to blink only one eye at a time.

On a blank white sheet, draw a large E with the help of a black marker. Concentrate on the lower bar at first for some time then set your gaze on the upper bar and so on keep shifting your eyes on each bar one by one. Then shut your eyes and visualize the E in your mind. Look at it again but this time shift the paper 5 feet away. Keep moving it back until you can?t spot the E any longer.

With your eyes closed, picture a large circle in your mind. Try to imagine that there is a pencil attached to the end of your nose. Now, sketch a line around the circle and try to squeeze it to an oval shape. Then again draw around the oval.

Use an eye chart that is used to test the eyes and look at the chart whenever possible. Try these simple tips and tricks to acquire and maintain a good eye vision.


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